Duck-Billed Blood Mage | Monster

Wicked words whispered in the darkness bring unbearable pain. Webbed feet come into view as your vision fades. Blood drips to the floor from a thin wrist. As your life fades away a voice mutters ancient words transferring your dying breaths to the wound, repairing it as if it never happened. Beware the blood mage, for your death brings them life.

Stat Block

Duck-Billed Blood Mage. CR 5. AC 15. 95 HP. 

3 attacks. +7 to hit. 12 (3d6 +2) dmg. Arcane Blast (m/r). Dagger (m/r). 

Bonus Action, Hemocraft, take 8 (1d10 + 4) damage to add 8 (1d10 + 4) damage to an attack. Reaction, Witherbloom, any creature that dies within 30 ft of you that you can see you regain 1d10 + 4 hit points. 

Swim 30 ft. Fly 50 ft. Resistance to cold damage.


Dark experiments by the Black Brotherhood on various types of Aarakocra led to the creation of the Duck-Billed Blood Mage. Master assassins, the blood mages are the secret keepers of the brotherhood. Trained to hunt any who dare seek the hidden cult devoted to the Chained Oblivion. The black robes of the master assassins allow them to become one with the darkness and strike true from the shadows.

Of the many rumors that surround the infamous mages the following rings most true. If you are close enough to hear their voice, you are even closer to death. 

Adventure Hook

The PCs have come into the possession of an item needed by the Black Brotherhood for a dark ritual. The sect of the blood mages called the Shadowwalkers have been dispatched to retrieve the item from the PCs and leave no one alive who knows about it. After fending off acolytes and other members the PCs will have to face down their master assassin leader, Zaric the Eternal Shadow.


Master Blood Mage Zaric. CR 9.  AC 16. 145 HP.

3 attacks. +8 to hit. 22 (3d12 + 3) dmg. Arcane Blast (m/r). Dagger (m/r). 

Can use the Shadow Step ability as part of one attack.

Shadow Step. When Zaric is in dim light or darkness, they can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space they can see that is also in dim light or darkness. Zaric then has advantage on the first melee attack they make before the end of the turn.

Bonus Action, Shadow Stealth, while in dim light or darkness, Zaric can take the Hide action.

Bonus Action, Hemocraft, take 8 (1d10 + 4) damage to add 15 (2d10 + 4) damage to an attack. Reaction, Witherbloom, any creature that dies within 30 ft of you that you can see you regain 2d10 + 4 hit points. 

Swim 40 ft. Fly 60 ft. Resistance to cold damage.

Blood Mage Acolyte. CR 2. AC 13. 45 HP.

2 attacks. +5 to hit. 9 (2d6 + 2) dmg. Arcane Blast (m/r). Dagger (m/r). 

Bonus Action, Hemocraft, take 6 (1d6 + 3) damage to add 8 (1d6 + 3) damage to an attack.

Swim 30 ft. Fly 30 ft. Resistance to cold damage.


The blood mages are trained to separate their targets and ambush them in the dark when they least expect it. Acolytes are used to distract and lead unsuspecting victims to their doom in a dark alley or hidden alcove. Master assassins can travel through shadows, striking their foes and hiding in the darkness. 


With a History or Arcana check the characters can learn the following

DC 10 – Blood Mages train for years as acolytes before earning their red robes.

DC 15 – The red-robed mages have mastered the art of harvesting the life-breath of a dying creature to heal and reinvigorate themselves.

DC 20 – Not many have fought a master assassin and lived to tell the tale. Rumors suggest they use arcane means to travel through shadow.


  1. Gathering intelligence from their local spy networks.
  2. Preparing materials for a dark ritual.
  3. Waiting in the shadows for an ambush.
  4. Searching for evil artifacts


  1. Arcane wards written in blood
  2. Rodents and other small animals puppeteered as spies
  3. Perception Check DC 17 to see an assassin watching in the shadows
  4. Black feathers leading to a dark alley or someplace similar

Inspired by conversations on Threads with user cerberus_rising13. 

Created using Forge of Foes by Teos Abadia, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, and Michael E. Shea. Influenced by the Level Up: Monstrous Menagerie by Paul Hughes.

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