2 Billion NPCs | Free Download

How to use this guide

I always have trouble coming up with names and NPCs on the fly or even during prep. So I made this guide to help create NPCs quickly during prep. Or even during a quick break in the middle of a session. What I like to do is have a few one line NPCs ready to go for a session. If needed I’ll use the one line description to get started. If I, or the players, decide the NPC needs more backstory then I’ll spend some time fleshing it out more. You never know what NPCs the players will like and this way allows you to add the details in later on. With all the variables here there are 2 billion NPC combinations and 8 thousand pet animal combinations. Give an NPC a pet on an odd roll of a d6. The formula goes like this:

(first name) + (last name) is a (adjective) and/but (adjective) (race) that (quirk)

and their pet (pet name) the (animal) that (pet quirk)


Vasa Ambernight is a fidgety and erratic Fairy that constantly talks about the next holiday/event and their pet Truffle the llama that wears a headband of intellect

Asher Basil is a rebellious but optimistic Genasi that wants to be escorted to a dangerous location to impress someone

Theron Brazzik is a nosy but preoccupied Goliath that collects something rare because they believe it will cure someone they care about


Adjectives from  d1000 NPC Traits by Roleplaying Tips, https://www.roleplayingtips.com/tools/1000-npc-traits/

Quirks inspired from Zelda-Style NPC Personalities by To Distant Lands, https://todistantlands.github.io/2023/06/13/zelda-npcs.html

Design and layout by C. McClain, 2024

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